5 Unmistakable Signs You’re Head Over Heels In Love

Tyler Lubben BBA
Hello, Love
Published in
7 min readSep 3, 2023


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Introduction to falling in love

Love. Ah, it’s such a beautiful and mysterious thing, isn’t it? The feeling of your heart skipping a beat, the butterflies in your stomach, the constant thoughts of that special someone. Falling in love is a magical experience that has captivated poets, musicians, and hopeless romantics for centuries. But what exactly happens when we fall in love? Is it just a surge of emotions, or is there something more to it?

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The science behind falling in love

Love may seem like a purely emotional experience, but there is actually a lot of science behind it. When we fall in love, our brain releases a cocktail of chemicals that create a euphoric sensation. Dopamine, also known as the “feel-good” neurotransmitter, floods our brain, leading to feelings of pleasure and reward. Serotonin, the mood-regulating hormone, helps stabilize our emotions and keep us happy. And let’s not forget about oxytocin, often called the “love hormone.” Oxytocin is crucial in bonding and attachment, making us feel deeply connected to our partner.

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Physical signs of being head over heels

When you’re head over heels in love, your body often gives away the game, even if you try to keep it a secret. Your heart rate may quicken when you see or think about your love interest, and you may feel slightly lightheaded. Sweaty palms, flushed cheeks, and dilated pupils are all physical signs that your body is responding to the overwhelming emotions of love. You may also find yourself constantly smiling or feeling a warm, tingling sensation in your chest. These physical reactions are hard to ignore and can indicate that you’re falling head over heels.

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Emotional signs of being head over heels

While the physical signs of falling in love are hard to miss, the emotional signs can be equally powerful. When you’re head over heels, you may find yourself constantly daydreaming about your partner, unable to focus on anything else. You may experience a rollercoaster of emotions, from sheer happiness to moments of vulnerability and even a touch of jealousy. Love can make you feel alive and vibrant, but it can also make you feel exposed and vulnerable. If you find yourself experiencing these emotional highs and lows, chances are you’re head over heels in love.

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Behavioral signs of being head over heels

Love can change our behavior, often in subtle ways that we may not even notice. When you’re head over heels, you may find yourself going out of your way to spend time with your partner. You might rearrange your schedule, cancel plans with friends, or even travel long distances just to be in their presence. Your priorities shift, and suddenly, everything revolves around this person who has captured your heart. You may also find yourself being more affectionate, more attentive, and more willing to make compromises.

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How to know when you’re in love — 5 unmistakable signs

  1. You can’t stop thinking about them: When you’re head over heels in love, your partner consumes your thoughts. They occupy your mind during the day, and you dream about them at night. You find yourself constantly checking your phone for messages or eagerly waiting for the next time you see them. If you can’t seem to get them out of your head, it’s a strong sign that you’re in love.
  2. You feel a deep sense of contentment: Love is not just about excitement and passion; it’s also about feeling a deep sense of joy and peace when you’re with your partner. Being in their presence brings you a profound sense of happiness and fulfillment when you’re in love. Their presence alone is enough to make you feel safe and secure.
  3. You’re willing to make sacrifices: Love often requires us to make sacrifices for our partner’s happiness. When you’re head over heels, you’re willing to go the extra mile to make them happy, even if it means putting your needs and desires on the back burner. You’re ready to compromise and adjust your priorities to accommodate their needs.
  4. You see a future together: When you’re in love, you envision a future with your partner. You imagine your life together, the adventures you’ll have, and the memories you’ll create. You can see yourself growing old with them; the thought of a future without them feels empty and incomplete.
  5. You’re willing to be vulnerable: Love requires vulnerability. You’re ready to let down your walls and open yourself up to your partner when you’re head over heels. You trust them with your deepest fears, insecurities, and dreams. You feel safe being completely yourself around them, knowing they accept and love you for who you are.
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The role of relationships in love

Love doesn’t exist in a vacuum; it thrives within relationships. Whether it’s a romantic relationship, a close friendship, or a familial bond, relationships play a crucial role in nurturing and sustaining love. Relationships provide us with the support, companionship, and intimacy that we crave as human beings. They give us a sense of belonging and help us grow and evolve as individuals. Without relationships, love would be a mere concept devoid of meaning and fulfillment.

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Nurturing love in a relationship

Once you’ve fallen head over heels in love, the next step is to nurture and cultivate that love within your relationship. Communication is vital in any relationship, so express your love and appreciation for your partner regularly. Show them that you care through acts of kindness, thoughtful gestures, and small surprises. Spend quality time together, creating shared experiences and memories. And most importantly, be there for each other through the ups and downs, supporting and encouraging one another every step of the way.

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Love languages and expressing love

Love languages are the different ways in which individuals express and experience love. Understanding your partner’s love language can be instrumental in strengthening your relationship and making them feel loved and cherished. The five love languages are words of affirmation, acts of service, receiving gifts, quality time, and physical touch. Take the time to discover your partner’s love language and find meaningful ways to express your love in a way that resonates with them. Remember, it’s not just about saying “I love you” but also showing it in a way that speaks directly to their heart.

Photo by Toa Heftiba on Unsplash


Love is a wondrous and complex emotion that can transform our lives in unimaginable ways. Falling head over heels is a magical experience that leaves us feeling euphoric, vulnerable, and deeply connected to another person. From the physical signs to the emotional and behavioral indicators, falling in love is an all-encompassing journey that takes us on a rollercoaster ride of emotions. Knowing when you’re in love can be as simple as listening to your heart and recognizing the unmistakable signs. So embrace the butterflies, cherish the moments, and allow love to fill your heart and soul.

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Tyler Lubben BBA
Hello, Love

Travel, Writing Advice and Finance Writer. Published Author.