5 Unusual Questions That Will Make Your Dates Fun And Memorable

Plus: The simple ingredient for unforgettable encounters.

Moreno Zugaro
Hello, Love


Image by cottonbro on pexels

Very few dates take your socks off — first metaphorically, then in the bedroom.

Most of them fall into the grey area — not bad but also not great. Then, there are the ones that suck because they don’t stop ranting about their ex or boring job. But that’s still better than awkward silence interrupted by desperate attempts to find commonalities. “Did you ever have a pet hamster?” is about as sexy as watching a colonoscopy on a hairy 70-year-old.

Small talk is tough. You can be the most interesting person in the world, but if you don’t break the ice, you’re stuck in silence city. You sit on hot coals, watching your spark slowly die like beached whale. You go home alone, take a sad shower, and think of all the witty things you could’ve said.

But there is a way around the boring and shallow conversations.

Asking the right questions makes you unforgettable, interesting, and creates a one-of-a-kind connection.

Instead of being strangers, you’ll feel like you’ve known each other for ages.

If You Want To Know Who Someone Is, Catch Them off Guard



Moreno Zugaro
Hello, Love

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