5 Ways to Make Small Gestures Count in Your Marriage

Listen to your partner and express empathy without offering judgments or solutions.

The Good Men Project
Hello, Love


Photo credit: iStock

By Terry Gaspard

Elena, 48, and Jason, 52, have been married fifteen years and came to counseling to improve their communication and to stop bickering. Like many couples who I counsel, I asked them both what worked in their marriage and what areas need to be “worked on.”

Elena put it like this, “I know Jason works hard and is a good provider but he doesn’t pay enough attention to me. I think he takes me for granted and I feel lonely.”

Jason responded, “Elena is right. We love each other and have a strong family with our two boys, but we don’t pay enough attention to each other.”

After gathering more information from Elena and Jason, I gave them a homework assignment of each doing a small gesture every day to show love and appreciation for each other. I explained that these are not big things (like giving each other a gift). Instead, I recommended that they do small gestures, like making a cup of coffee, or offering to run an errand.

In fact, many studies speak to the fact that the secret to long-lasting love are small gestures. In his book The All or Nothing Marriage, author and professor…



The Good Men Project
Hello, Love

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