5 Ways You Are Unknowingly Showing Your Insecurity When Dating

And easy steps to stop doing it

May Pang
Hello, Love



“I don’t know why this keeps happening. Here, look,” my friend, Mark, proceeds to thrust his phone into my hand.

I read the offending text which Mark had received from the latest girl he was seeing. It read remarkably like the text he had shown me from the last girl. The text ended with, “I’m sorry. I don’t really feel like I’m ready to be in a relationship.”

“Why the hell did they swipe my profile then? It clearly states that I’m looking for a relationship. That’s what her profile said as well. I need your dating whisperer skills. Tell me what’s happening,”

It was immediately clear to me what was happening but I didn’t quite know how to explain it to Mark. I had been the girl on the other side of this interaction many times and was guilty of using those exact same words.

On the outside, Mark appears very confident. He’s attractive, a successful engineer, an excellent runner, and has a great community of friends. But Mark has an insecurity that he’s never shared with his romantic interests. He admitted to me that this insecurity is something he thinks about constantly when dating.

Since Mark is hyper-aware of this insecurity, he thinks that he hides it well…



May Pang
Hello, Love

Combining Storytelling with Science. Communication & Connection Coach. Would love to hear from you!💗may@mojomint.com 💙 www.mojomint.com. Based in Boulder, CO.