6 Clever Psychological Tricks to Bring Someone Closer to You

When everything else fails, there’s always psychology.

Margaret Pan
Hello, Love


Photo by pexels via Pixabay

If you’re a shy person, like me, chances are you’re struggling with interacting with people you don’t know well — even more if you have a crush on them.

Personally, when it came to strangers or people I barely knew, I always found it difficult to initiate conversations, keep them going, or find a way that would allow me to get closer to them.

Some people are natural charmers. There’s just something about the way they walk, talk, and behave that you simply want to get closer to them. For the rest of us, however, thank the universe psychology exists.

I’ve always adored psychology. I’ve spent endless hours taking psychology courses and reading psychology books and I must say I’ve learned some invaluable things.

The way our mind works is extraordinary. We think we have control over it but usually, something unconscious dictates our actions — especially when it comes to our interaction with others.

Sometimes, relationships develop so naturally that you don’t even realize how or when they even started. But some other times, it takes a little more effort to bring a person you’re interested in closer to you.



Margaret Pan
Hello, Love

I write about books, relationships, and personal development. Contact: margaretpannmd@gmail.com Newsletter + more: https://linktr.ee/margpan