6 Important Ways to Let a Man Know He’s Sexually Desired

We all want to be heroes for the person we love.

The Good Men Project
Hello, Love


Photo credit: Shutterstock

By Jed Diamond Ph.D

I have a secret I need to confess, up front. For most of my life, I believed there was something wrong with me because I wasn’t always interested in sex and ready to jump at every opportunity to have it. Like many boys reaching adolescence, I was very interested in sex and talking to my buddies I learned I wasn’t alone. I also learned, from these same buddies, that guys always wanted it and girls were reluctant to give it and had to be coaxed, cajoled, and talked into it.

As I got older and later got married, I learned that my wife was also interested in sex. But I continued to believe I must want it all the time because I’m the man. Further, I knew that I must show my wife I wanted it all the time. Otherwise, she would think I wasn’t a man and she might go looking for someone who was more manly than me. Although I learned to play the role of a manly man, and sometimes I actually believed I was one, deep inside I felt insecure and worried.

What do I do if I’m too tired for sex? What if I’m just not that turned on? Will she think she’s not attractive to me if I don’t push for more sex? Will she think I’m having an affair if I’m not always interested in sex? I learned that it…



The Good Men Project
Hello, Love

We're having a conversation about the changing roles of men in the 21st century. Main site is https://goodmenproject.com Email us info@goodmenproject.com