6 Reasons Why “Average Women” Reject Good-looking Men

Although looks are extremely important.

Claire Lowe
Hello, Love


Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels

Let me be brutally honest: looks matter.

They’re not enough to build a solid relationship, but they’re the start. You need to feel attracted to your partner — otherwise, you may as well remain friends.

Looks will surely give you an advantage when it comes to dating.

So good-looking people will always be successful in relationships, right?

Wrong. Human behavior is more complex than that, and beautiful people don’t always come on top — despite their advantage.

One of my friends, Jake, is an insanely handsome man. He cares for his looks, works out, wears nice clothes, and is extremely confident. Most girls are attracted to him, and he has no trouble finding one-night stands. You’d think he’s a lucky guy.

Still, Jake faces his fair share of rejections.

As a woman, I can see how attractive he is. As his friend, I also see his lovely personality. In my position, it’s difficult to imagine what would make a woman reject him. So I asked him what these women say when they leave him.

Here are the reasons why women reject good-looking men:

1. You don’t want the same…



Claire Lowe
Hello, Love

Self-proclaimed writer. I write for creators, lovers, and curious people. Open to gigs: claireslowe@hotmail.com