6 Small Changes That Can Help You Create Better Relationships

Healthy relationships allows for change and growth.

Lawal Salihu
Hello, Love
3 min readFeb 14, 2022


Photo by Toa Heftiba on Unsplash

The most mutual portion of relationship is missteps, in other to make your relationship decisive, you have to understand what relationship prevails wholly around.
The relationship is the most wonderful aspect that the public all wish to keep, being in a relationship dosen’t only mean you are there partner but also a friend. Most people don’t know how a perfect relationship pastime instead of barely taking people’s suggestion on partnership.
The favourable way to possess a perfect relationship is for one to be honest, loyal and committed in giving there partners a very good and remarkable life.

1. Support
One of the greatest feelings in a relationship is having a partner that believes in you no matter what the situation going on. There is comfort in knowing that your partner will be there for you even if he/she fails, especially since failure is the hardest thing for partners to deal with. When your partner support and believe in you, the relationship is more likely to last long.

2. Compliment
Making your partner feel appreciated is the key to a happy and perfect relationship and a well executed compliment is one of the susceptible ways to go about it.
Here are some examples:

  • I really appreciate how you make me feel totally supported.
  • I really appreciate how you always manage to turn my worst days around.
  • I love how your lips curl when I make I lame joke.
  • I really appreciate how you let yourself be vulnerable with me.
  • I love how your butt looks in those jeans.

Compliment is a comment intended to express praise or admiration of someone.
Your partner will never come right out and tell you he/she likes it when you compliment, Because it’s a weird thing to do or ask for and also not very mainly if you will. But just because your partner dosen’t ask, doesn’t mean they are not craved.

3. Active Communication

This is important, with regular communication other optimistic needs of a relationship ( love, caring, romance and understanding ) can be strengthened. Communication is necessary in creating a healthy relationship.
Always look ease and friendly to your partner’s and avoid been “too serious” most times.
Communication goes a long way towards helping you comprehend with each other and welcome questions, it is important to figure out for yourself what you can endorse.

4. Be Yourself

You think you don’t belong, or you’re weird, I guess you have no idea how the rest of us into relationship feels, we’re misfit too.
The relationship world will want you to be a lot of things but not yourself.
Some relationship will want you to compromise your goals, saying you aiming too high is bad, keeping your obsession on all the wrong things.
So be yourself, as Oscar Wilde will say, everybody is already taken.

5.Dignity And Believe

You can also participate in relationship with family, friends and others in ways that you can celebrate. It is in this mutuality that we lend dignity to our relationships, through self-respect and caring for your partners.
Having respect and believe for each other in a relationship means that you will go a long way together with your partner and will always find way to overcome any obstacles your relationship might face in the future. When you respect each other, you will always be ready to talk about things and make them better
Believing in your relationship and believing that you will help each other deal with whatever life hands you , is a great way to make your love life better. The willingness to believe that you are with the right person may lead to a perfect relationship.

6. Understanding Your Partner's Likes And Dislikes

When you know your partner, the level of disputes also diminishes. Once you are oriented with what your partner likes, it becomes easy for you to know your partner choice.
Understand what your partner likes and dislikes had many benefits that one would not imagine. Note what they love and what they don’t.
To know more about your partner, communication and diligence are very vital

Final Thoughts

Big acts of dedication can lead to wonderful relationships, but the fact is, slight acts also have great supernatural effects.



Lawal Salihu
Hello, Love

Goal getter || Dreamer || Blog scientist || Enthusiastic reader || Word smith || Football fanatic