6 Things You Should Never Change for Your Partner

Sometimes you feel compelled to change and some others, it’s your partner who asks you to change.

Margaret Pan
Hello, Love


Photo by Anna Shvets from Pexels

Imagine you like someone. Like, you really, really, like them. Maybe you met recently, or maybe you’ve already been dating for a while.

The more you get to know them, the more you think they’re everything you’ve been looking for — smart, kind, witty, great looks, you name it. The problem? You feel like you can’t be 100% your true self with them.

Maybe you like completely different things, your habits differ, or you don't share the same mindset. Whatever it is, you start contemplating whether you should try to change yourself, in order to be more similar. That way they’ll like you even more, right?

We’ve all been there. Sometimes we feel compelled to change and some others, it’s our partners who ask us to change.

And although a partner might inspire you to make some meaningful changes about yourself (e.g. build a healthier lifestyle, break bad habits, be more kind to people around you), there are some things you should never accept to change for the sake of being more liked by your partner.

Let’s take a look at them.

#1. Your Core Values



Margaret Pan
Hello, Love

I write about books, relationships, and personal development. Contact: margaretpannmd@gmail.com Newsletter + more: https://linktr.ee/margpan