7 Essential Lessons to Remember Even When the Pandemic Ends

Accessibility should be industry-standard, not pandemic protocol.

Crystal Jackson
Hello, Love
Published in
6 min readMay 12, 2021


Photo by engin akyurt on Unsplash

The pandemic has been one of the most eye-opening experiences of my life. It’s not just showed me the problems underlying many of the systems we once took for granted. It’s also shown me the values of the people around me. While some of what I’ve seen over the last year has left me filled with hope, much of it has reminded me that there’s so much we’ve been taught that could make the world better if only we would learn it.

Public health needs to be prioritized.

As I see more and more people throw out their masks, I’m filled with disappointment. The pandemic is teaching us so much about public health, and we’re just not getting the message. What COVID-19 should be teaching us is that when we’re symptomatic with any illness, we need to wear a mask to protect other people from our germs. It’s a small action we can take as a nod to public health.

Public health is more than just washing our hands and keeping surfaces sanitary. It’s personal space in public places rather than standing on top of each other in lines. It’s considering how we can do our part to prevent the spread of illness — not just in pandemic conditions.

