Romance and dating

7 Lessons I Learned About Love In the Most Unusual Place

Lessons from falling in love inside a mental clinic.

Hello, Love
Published in
7 min readMar 30, 2021


Photo by JOSHUA COLEMAN on Unsplash

Love can happen anywhere. I have fallen in love in foreign countries, but never before in a mental clinic… until now. I realise love occurs where you are most vulnerable and not really ready for it.

It surprises you in serendipitous moments and makes you feel alive again — at least that’s how I feel after nearly six weeks. So here are seven lessons I learned about love in the most unusual place, the mental clinic, because:

“Love can happen anytime anywhere. Only true love happens somewhere once.” — Yugen Norbu

Side note: How I ended up in a mental clinic

After being a sufferer of suicidal thoughts and depression over the past months, I realised I needed help when I tried to take my life. Coming to the mental clinic, I was broken and numb. Never in a million years did I think I would meet someone who felt the same as me and how we could intertwine our souls together during recovery.

The seven lessons I learned about love in the most unusual place are from a perspective of loving someone with a mental illness, so if you too love someone with mental…



Hello, Love

Tea addict, yoga teacher, well-being coach, passionate writer spreading peace. No-BS advice: focus on well-being.