7 Mindsets That Keep You Single

Ditch these beliefs if you’re looking for your Plus One.

Niki Marinis
Hello, Love


Katie Dutch — used with permission

We all have our beliefs. Some serve us, some don’t. Our life experiences often reinforce these self-limiting beliefs. A cycle of self-sabotage, especially when it comes to affairs of the heart.

Limiting beliefs are assumptions you’ve decided are true. But they may not be true at all. They’re blocking you from giving and receiving love.

Our ego holds onto these beliefs making us think we’re protecting ourselves. But the reality is we’re living in fear.

When we have a belief we subconsciously look for evidence to support it, and that’s what keeps us stuck.

1. Good men are rare

Or they’re taken, gay, jerks or just suck.

What you consistently tell yourself becomes your belief, true or not. Be careful with how you talk to yourself.

A friend of mine has said men suck so many times that guess what? That’s what she gets: men who suck. Her belief based on her past experiences has conditioned her to see the bad in men and not the good.

Good men aren’t rare. They’re everywhere. You see what you believe is true. Everything else is invisible to you.



Niki Marinis
Hello, Love

Weird Girl, thrift store owl collector, heartbreaker, lush, aspiring adult. IG: DocJohnnyFever nikimarinis@gmail.com https://nikimarinis.medium.com/subscribe