7 Reasons Why I Love Being a Lesbian

None of them are about scissoring.

Jess Whitehall
Hello, Love


Photo by SHVETS production on Pexels

Sexuality is not a choice but if I could choose, I would still choose to be a lesbian.

I first started questioning my sexuality at 17. I soon identified myself as a lesbian and, since then, have exclusively dated women. But the older I get, the more I realize that being a lesbian is not just about the people I date and have sex with. It’s about my lifestyle.

If I switched my girlfriend for a boyfriend, it would have a ripple effect on many areas of my life. I seriously can not imagine being the same person I am today if I didn’t have 15 years of “lesbian experience”. It has shaped me as a person, and keeps doing so. And more importantly, I like it. Here are 7 reasons why.

1. There Are No Gender Roles in the Relationship

“So who’s the man?” — we have all been asked the dumbest question on Earth. Typical answer: “there is no man, that’s the whole point of being a lesbian”.

But the fact that there are no men involved has an impact beyond the obvious. When a relationship unfolds between two women, you naturally let go of societal constructs and create your own dynamic with your partner. A lesbian relationship gives you the freedom to be who you want to be, without…



Jess Whitehall
Hello, Love

30 something lesbian writing about LGBTQ+ issues.