7 Signs Someone is Afraid of Getting Hurt Instead of Playing You

Their mixed signals come from their insecurities.

Colin Zhang
Hello, Love


She told me she wasn’t ready for a relationship after our first meeting a few days ago. Very understandable. As a woman who’s eager for a family, she has a lot to lose. Not only does she have to assess me as a suitable candidate first carefully, but she’s also picked up quite a few scars over the years from dating the wrong men.

Sometimes people pull back out of the fear of getting hurt. It might confuse you as mind games, but if you pay close attention, they’re simply guarding their hearts.

They’re hot and cold. So you replay your conversations and reread texts to figure out what you did wrong. Was your joke yesterday overboard? Were you too dismissive of them because you forgot what college they graduated from? The usual assumption is that they don’t like you enough, therefore, not being clear about where they stand with you. But sometimes, their mixed signals have more to do with their own fears of rejection than a lack of interest in you.

If you see them behaving in these 7 ways, they probably like you a lot more than you think.

They go slow

