7 Signs You’re Desperate for Love

and should probably stay single for a while.

Tara Blair Ball
Hello, Love


Photo by Isaac Owens on Unsplash

We’ve all been there. We’re fresh out of a relationship and hunting for a rebound, wounded over something else, or fed up with being single, or a magical combination of all of the above. We can’t stand being alone, and our standards sink so low that we’re willing to lie next to anyone at night as long as they’re warm.

“Desperation is a stinky cologne.” — from the movie Super Troopers

I bet desperation smells like overripe bananas, more like alcohol than sugar. People know whenever you’ve got it. They give you the side eye. They say things like, “I was pretty clear…” and “I’m sorry. I don’t understand why you feel that way…” They avoid you or outright run. Sometimes, though, they know you’re so game for whatever that they’ll chase you.

Desperation doesn’t look (or smell) good on anyone. If you exhibit any of the following behaviors, time to embrace being single for a while and/or maybe see a therapist.

1. You swipe obsessively.

You open your dating apps whenever you have a spare moment, and then you’re just searching. You change the age range, the match radius — older, younger, closer, farther. You swipe right on everyone, or you swipe left on everyone. You’re either too…



Tara Blair Ball
Hello, Love

Certified Relationship Coach, Author, and Podcast Co-host for Breaking Free from Narcissistic Abuse. https://beacons.page/tara.relationshipcoach