7 Warning Signs of Resentment in Relationships

What you need to know to avoid the dangers of resentment in relationships.

Hello, Love


Photo by Rene Asmussen from Pexels

Resentment is a poisonous emotion that many people experience at some point in their lives. It can cause someone to feel bitter or even angry with the person they are resenting, which leads to feelings of bitterness and anger towards everyone else too.

If you are feeling resentment about anything, it is best to deal with it as soon as possible before it starts affecting your relationships.

This blog post will tell you more about why resentment ruins relationships and what to do if this happens.

“Anger, resentment and jealousy doesn’t change the heart of others — it only changes yours.”
Shannon Alder

Part I: Analyzing Resentment

What is resentment?

Resentment is defined as the feeling of indignant displeasure or ill will aroused by a perceived insult, injury, or wrong.

