Relationships and dating

7 Ways to Fall in Love with Someone

#2 Make sure to listen to every word they utter

Hello, Love
Published in
7 min readFeb 26, 2021


Photo by Jenny Smith on Unsplash

I am on my third week of being in a mental clinic for the third time round in the past few months. What I’m doing here is a story for another day.

In the meantime, I’ve fallen in love. I knew the minute I saw this guy, and when telling my friend the other day about the crazy story, she replied,

“You never fail to attract everywhere you go”.

This got me thinking.

She’s right — I’ve fallen in love quite a few times now and found a good relationship each time. So I thought I’d share my tips on 7 ways that love develops beyond initial attraction. It actually isn’t that complicated; you have to be intentional and trusting in your steps you take!

Love can happen anywhere you go; you have to manifest in the magic of it.

7 ways to find love

1. Show them the attention they crave

“The greatest gift you can give someone is your time, your attention, your love, your concern.” — anonymous

All of us crave attention. I mean, we are only social human beings who want to interact and feel…



Hello, Love

Tea addict, yoga teacher, well-being coach, passionate writer spreading peace. No-BS advice: focus on well-being.