7 Ways to Make the Most of Your Long Distance Relationship

Long distance relationships do not have to be complicated. Here’s how…

Sneha Christall
Hello, Love


Image Credits: Unsplash

In a world that has become increasingly technology-dependent, maintaining a long-distance relationship might seem easier than it was in the past. However, if you are or have found yourself in an LDR, you know how challenging it can become to develop a strong connection with your long-distance partner. In this blog, I would love to share a few therapist-backed practices that helped me and my partner over our >1-year long-distance relationship —

Ask questions

Communication is key in a long-distance relationship, and one of the simplest ways you can communicate with your partner is to set aside time to ask questions that are important to you. It may sound obvious, but is the perfect opportunity to connect with your partner and build stronger emotional intimacy.

This is something that most often takes a backseat in regular relationships, where we default to topics that are more day-day.

Learn each other’s Attachment Style

How clingy or detached are you? How frequently do you like to call your long-distance partner? How comfortable are you to depend on them or express your…



Sneha Christall
Hello, Love

Wanderer, memory collector. Writer for A Little Bit Better, Be Yourself, Change Becomes You, Hello, Love, Mindfully Speaking and On the Couch.