7 Ways Women Can Make the First Move in Dating

And how to have fun with it.

L.J. Rose
Hello, Love


Photo by Carlos Delgado on Unsplash

I love making the first move in dating.

I love putting myself out there, expressing interest, flirting, asking guys out. I wasn’t always like this, though. And I understand it’s hard.

I recently wrote an article called What Dating a Woman Made Me Think About Gender Roles in Relationships where I talk a little about how everyone can be more forward in dating—no matter who we’re dating.

And now, I’m going to take it one step further.

Growing up, we were taught that women were an object to be claimed. We were shown Disney movies where a princess was literally sleeping through her life until a prince came to wake her up.

We’ve been given the message over and over that “if they want to, they will.” So, when they don’t, we believe it’s got something to do with us.

But this dialogue is changing. We’re breaking free from these constructs and learning to embody authenticity over performance. I believe that the way we approach dating is one of those ways.

Here are 7 Ways Women Can Make the First Move (and how to have fun with it):

  1. Plant a seed.



L.J. Rose
Hello, Love

Romance & fantasy novelist. I write mostly about love, dating, and gender roles. Follow me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/lj_rose93