7 Ways You Might Be Avoiding Vulnerability in Your Relationship

If these things persist, your relationship could be doomed.

Stacey Herrera
Hello, Love
Published in
8 min readDec 16, 2021


Once upon a time, in another life that I like to call my 20’s, I was madly in love with the man who would later become my husband.

I’d only had one long-term relationship before we became an us, so to say that I was a little “green around the gills” is an understatement. Of course, the only way to get experience is to have experiences — right? Right.

Well, there were two things that I had yet to learn when I entered that relationship, (1) trust works both ways, and (2) vulnerability is not optional. The trouble is, he wasn’t aware of those things either. So without realizing what we were doing, our relationship became a minefield, where we harmed one another on a fairly regular basis.

He did things that caused me to mistrust him, and there were things that I did in the name of “getting to the bottom of things” to violate his trust in return. And because we’d both come from homes where integrity was more of a theory than a practice and being vulnerable was perceived as a weakness — the odds were pretty much stacked against us.

The relationship didn’t last. But the good news is, I learned a lot from getting it wrong — primarily that trust…



Stacey Herrera
Hello, Love

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