8 Insightful Quotes About Love That Resonate With Us All

With commentary on how they apply to our lives.

James Gordon
Hello, Love


Everybody knows what love is, yet can also find more about it to learn, to discover, and experience — everyday. Throughout time, humans have known that love is among the most sacred and yet controversial elements of our existence.

These quotes deal with the inspiring and elusive truths about love. I offer a few words about how to integrate them into our worldview.

1. “Love is a striking example of how little reality means to us.” -Marcel Proust

Love is an ideal. The necessary conclusion is that in some way, it falls short of reality. We love others despite their flaws. This is a fundamental aspect of what it means to be human. Part of understanding and accepting love is this awareness that it is mainly inspired by reality, but it is not identical to it. A good portion of love is internal: it comes from within.

Objective reality may have relatively little to do with true love, in the end. So much of what we love about a person is derived from our own preconceived values and the projections of our individual imagination. This is why love is such a personal, subjective thing.



James Gordon
Hello, Love

Digital marketing professional, musician, and blogger, with a wife who works in tech, and a three year-old son.