8 Subtle but Unhealthy Relationship Signs Most Lovers Ignore

And what you can do about it.

Leah Njoki
Hello, Love


Photo by Elina Sazonova from Pexels

Has this happened to you?

You had this incessant feeling that you’d taken a wrong detour. But you were too excited to see where it led.


You just kept walking. You walked. And walked. And walked.

Until suddenly, you were awakened by the stench of your decision. Alas, you were right in the middle of the thick jungle.

Lost. Terrified. And worse, not sure if you’ll ever find your way back home.

Divorce. Breakups. Drama.

All make you feel like a man lost in the jungle. (And if you aren’t careful, you just might be a yummy dinner for the lions.)

Okay, I’m being a bit dramatic.

But the point is, we all hear a muttering, little voice saying we’re backing the wrong horse as far as relationships go.

But it’s hard to listen. To stop ourselves.

We’re too emotional, too sexually attracted to contain ourselves. Our judgment gets foggy.

A wise man said,

“You can’t cure that which you don’t know.”



Leah Njoki
Hello, Love

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