9 Awesome Habits Of Emotionally Stable Couples

Motivation is what gets the relationship started, habit is what keeps it going.

Elizabeth Karls
Hello, Love


Photo by Dimitri Kuliuk from Pexels

“Those who are the happiest are not necessarily those for whom life has been easiest. Emotional stability results from an attitude. It is refusing to yield to depression and fear, even when black clouds float overhead. It is improving that which can be improved and accepting that which is inevitable.” — James C. Dobson

In a previous article, I shared sordid details about how my solid relationship with my sister went south. I was in a relationship with an abusive partner that I thought was my forever.

When my sister lovingly tried to tell me about the obvious red flags I refused to see, I got into a heated argument with her that created a void between us. Because of that conversation, we went a whole three months without talking. My sister that I used to talk to every single day prior to that.

Our argument stemmed from an accusation I felt she had no right to make.



Elizabeth Karls
Hello, Love

Clinical Psychologist in training. Mental Health advocate. Top writer in life, love, relationships, psychology. Write for us https://medium.com/clear-yo-mind