9 Poems to Read When You’re Sad and Heartbroken

A collection of poetry for anybody who needs to know they’re not alone in their pain and anguish.

Alex Bentley
Hello, Love


It’s okay not to be okay.

Life isn’t always a stretch of uninterrupted happiness.

If we can communicate our problems and listen to the tales of others who are going through similar issues, we may just overcome them.

Remember, you are still a valuable human being deserving of love and respect, no matter how terrible you feel right now.

That’s why I’ve gathered together this compilation of nine poems—written by me—to let you know you are not alone in your suffering.

1. I Don’t Want To Send Letters Anymore

Photo by Chris Benson on Unsplash

I don’t want to send you letters anymore
With my words sinking like stones
To the bottom of your heart
I don’t want to knock on your door
And wait for you to answer
Hoping that maybe this time, this visit —
You’ll say…



Alex Bentley
Hello, Love

I write about crypto, personal finance, business & tech. Also, I publish a bit of humor to make you laugh.