9 Reasons It’s Hard to Leave Toxic Relationships

Consider these perspectives to uncover unconscious thoughts.

Riri Rites 🤍
Hello, Love


Image by Enrique Meseguer from Pixabay

If toxic relationships were easy to cut off, they probably wouldn’t be so toxic.

Instead, they can feel like an addictive drug. Even though a relationship might be bad for you, it’s hard to take a break from. And if you try, you may find yourself back with your drug of choice — the toxic person.

These emotions are familiar to anyone who has been in a toxic situation.

While there are many reasons a person finds it hard to leave a toxic relationship, there are a few common ones. Consider your own situation through these perspectives to help you uncover any unconscious beliefs.

#1 Chemical Withdraw

We can try to explain our intense connection with someone, but there are some chemical reasons for what we’re feeling. Consider that love involves:

1. Oxytocin — Released through intimacy or touch

2. Dopamine — Released when you’re attracted to someone

These chemicals feel good when things are going well. But when there’s an immediate cut of ties, it can feel like a drug withdrawal. In the same way, we may feel the need to get the person back, even if the…



Riri Rites 🤍
Hello, Love

On life and love • A human failing, loving and learning • 🤍 ritesriri@gmail.com