9 Signs That You Have Healthy Emotional Boundaries

#1. You are comfortable saying no and meaning it when you need to.

Elizabeth Karls
Hello, Love


Photo by Yan Krukov from Pexels

“When we fail to set boundaries and hold people accountable, we feel used and mistreated.” — Brené Brown

I have been a victim of myself in the past for not knowing how to set and keep emotional boundaries for the relationships in my life. It is how I ended up in such a situation.

What are emotional boundaries?

  • Emotional boundaries are a clear separation of what is you versus what is the rest of the world according to a conscious rethink.
  • Emotional boundaries involve separating your feelings from another’s feelings according to road to growth counseling.
  • Emotional or mental boundaries protect your right to have your own feelings and thoughts, to not have your feelings criticized or invalidated, and not have to take care of other people’s feelings according to Psych Central.



Elizabeth Karls
Hello, Love

Clinical Psychologist in training. Mental Health advocate. Top writer in life, love, relationships, psychology. Write for us https://medium.com/clear-yo-mind