9 Signs You Have a Broken Heart

Hello, Love
Published in
4 min readAug 11, 2023


Have you ever been brokenhearted? While most heartbreaks are associated with romantic relationships, it can happen with platonic and familial relationships as well. What may seem like ordinary moments of sadness may actually be heartbreak. Recent research has shown that there are distinct ways heartbreak can impact your mind and body. So here are nine signs of a broken heart.

Photo by Mikail Duran on Unsplash

1. Your stress levels are higher than normal

Do you find yourself more stressed out than usual after experiencing a loss or breakup? The experience of heartbreak can actually lead to the release of certain hormones in your brain. Stress hormones like cortisol may be released as a reaction to your heartbreak, making your stress levels abnormally high. It may be triggered by the event or the surrounding events of your heartbreak.

2. You experience physical pain

Did you know that the experience of a broken heart can cause real pain in your body? A sudden surge of cortisol can affect not only your mind but also your body. Prolonged stress is tough to overcome and can have a multitude of physical effects. According to WebMD, some of the physical signs of stress are headaches, chest pains, having an upset stomach, and frequent colds.

3. You’re depressed



Hello, Love

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