9 Signs Your Partner is Not Happy in The Relationship

These signs help you to be aware of your partner’s level of happiness.

Shams Shirinova
Hello, Love


sad woman holding phone, reclining on the sofa
an image from Anthony Tran at Unsplash

A toxic relationship eventually leads to unhappiness for one side, if not both. When in a relationship, one of the partners can actually signal for help a couple of times or they might be showing some red flags that the other partner should not overlook.

However, many couples continue living on with these signs blaming life, circumstances, their significant other, and even sometimes themselves without letting the possibility of seeing the reality as it is; of changing their romantic life for the better.

1. Prioritizing and spending time with others more than you

When you commit to a relationship you don’t only give your love, you also give your time and energy. Of course, we all get to spend time alone and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that, however, in a relationship I think this time needs to be, at least, balanced.

If your partner spends more time with anyone else that is not you than they spend with you, odds are your company is not satisfactory anymore. No matter how harsh it sounds, it is not natural to devote time for friends, family more than the person you are in a relationship…



Shams Shirinova
Hello, Love

A creative writer who is in love with writing her heart out. Check out my Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOa0U0pt2MNswRVTXCC9GAA