A 13 Million Dollar Proposal For A Multimillionaire Woman

The cost of a woman is priceless. The price you can afford is more than you think. The currency is priced in more than dollars.

Chris Lopez
Hello, Love


Source: Self Taken Picture by Author of Fiancé’s hand. Designed by Author on Canva.


There is so much talk about high value. High value men are the latest trend. What isn’t trending? High value women.There is much obsession about high earning men. Dollars don’t seem to change a lot. Value and worth are confused. Many misidentify a woman’s value. Many believe value is worth. These two are separate. You can be worth a whole lot but have no value. Let’s talk about a real multimillion dollar babe.

My fiancé.

I do not use names. Many know this.

My endless girlfriend was usually nameless. This is largely due to position. The woman who takes identity is special. She is permeant.

There is nothing more permeant than a wife.


You can be worthless and still command value. My fiancé is a woman measured in feminine energy. She contains masculine survival potential. She understands how to survive on her own. She realizes thriving is different than surviving.



Chris Lopez
Hello, Love

Professional Hustler turned International Best Selling Author of “I Made it Then I Didn’t”. I write Truths today to combat yesterday’s falsehoods.