A Comprehensive Guide to Finding Your Long-Term Relationships

How to build long-term relationships from scratch.

Olga Olson
Hello, Love
6 min readJul 7, 2022


Man and Woman Kiss Each Other
Photo by Vera Arsic from Pexels

Are you looking for love or just a good relationship? If you want to find someone who will stick around, then you should know the long-term relationship strategy.

Finding a long-term partner is no easy feat. There are plenty of dating apps out there, but they don’t always deliver. In fact, some of them are downright dangerous.

“When it comes to a long-term relationship with a partner we ourselves chose, we can maintain the thrill of being in love, and deepen our feelings of passion and intimacy.” — Lisa Firestone, Ph.D. in Psychalive

You might be surprised at how much information is out there about finding a long-term relationship. You should always try to find out whether the person you want to date is compatible with you. There are some things that you should consider before starting a long-term relationship.

How To Identify the Right Partner for You

We all want to live happy and long with our partners. Every date and every meeting is unique. There are not many people that found their ideal partner for the first time (but they do exist).

Most of us are trying and dating over and over again to find our second half and stay for a long term. So what is the basis for starting relationships? While most of us might think about sexual attraction, it’s not the start.

The first factor is being able to communicate effectively. We start with our common interests and find a basis to continue the conversation with each other.

Yes, sexual attraction is also considered a part of communication, but it’s not the major aspect of dating if we’re talking about solid long-term relationships.

This means that both partners need to be open with each other and share their thoughts and feelings without fear of judgment or criticism.

Relationships are never easy. They require patience, understanding, and a lot of work. It is important to learn what makes a successful and sustainable relationship in order to have the best chance of having one.

While you’re communicating with a person that attracts you, the second important thing you need to consider is a strong sense of self-worth.

This means that one should not depend on their partner for their happiness and self-worth but instead find ways how they can make themselves happy in life.

If you’re looking for a partner with common interests in you both, you need to share the same vision for the future of the relationship.

You can’t date a person today, plan your long-term relationships and suddenly stop your communication tomorrow. Instead, build a strong sense of what you want to talk about today, share your interests and provide support to your partner.

Sexual attraction isn’t important in the initial communication stage. But when you manage your communication skills, flirting, romance, and sex will become way more powerful than if it was your initial stage.

How To Start A Conversation With Someone

We all know the importance of starting a conversation with people. It can be hard to ask someone out on a date. It’s not always easy to start a conversation, but we can learn some tricks and tips that will help us do it more efficiently.

The first thing that you should do is smile and greet the other person. Make sure that you smile genuinely and make eye contact with them before saying anything else.

This will help them feel more comfortable, and they will be more likely to want to talk with you in return.

You should also try asking them questions about themselves, this will help break the ice and get them talking about themselves. It’ll make a conversation easier as well as give you an idea of what topics might interest them or what they are currently thinking about.

You should also try to keep the conversation going with other people that you are already talking to. You should also try to avoid monopolizing the conversation, which is when one person talks more than others for too long.

Furthermore, you can also make small talk about pop culture or current events if you don’t know the person too well yet and this is an easier way to start a conversation with them.

Once you have a great start, continue your efforts. Start asking if maybe it is worth going together to an event and spending time together.

The conversation should be based on a common interest, not a sexual attraction. Some people are wrongly using sexual attraction to rent apartments and have immediate sex experiences.

Don’t make this mistake, because you’re going to have long-term relationships instead of one night scenes.

Besides, a one-night event isn’t emotionally pleasing in comparison to long-term relationships.

How Online Dating is Changing the Way People Meet and Date

The internet has changed the way we date. It has changed the way people meet and date. Online dating is now one of the most popular ways to find a partner, and it is expected to become even more popular in the future.

Online dating has made it easier for people who are too busy or shy to go out and meet new people to find someone online. It also allows people who live in remote areas with few opportunities for socializing, to easily meet new people.

Online dating makes finding a partner easier than ever before, but there are also some problems that come with this kind of dating as well.

For example, there is a great chance that you will not be able to tell if your potential partner is telling the truth about themselves or if they are hiding something from you.

The internet has made it so much easier for people to find potential partners in their area. People are able to connect with many more potential partners than they would have been able to in the past. This is due to the fact that there are many more dating apps and websites than there were before.

If you prefer to find your second half online, you need to know who you are looking for. For sure, there are people who are looking at serious relationships online.

But there are such that want to use you for fun only. This is why there are pros and cons of online searching for your partner.

If you liked someone, don’t rush on the date. Most of today’s photos aren’t real, including men’s photos. We all want to be better than we are in the real world.

This is why it’s important to talk with a person a bit to learn more about him or her.

If it’s possible, schedule a video call, and talk 1–1 digitally. By doing so you can be more sure that this is a real person you’re talking to.

Similar to your work, long-term relationships require time and serious dedication. This is why I encourage you to spare as much time as you can to be sure that your choice is what you expect to see in real life.

Final Thoughts

Many people are in relationships that are not functional and long-term. Partners often end up feeling hurt, used, and unappreciated. It is important to maintain a healthy relationship in order to have a successful long-term relationship.

There are many factors that contribute to successful and sustainable relationships. One factor is communication skills. Communication skills are important because they allow people to express what they want and need in the relationship, and to solve problems together.

Relationships also need to be based on love and respect. Love and respect are essential in relationships because they establish trust, which is a key factor in successful relationships.

But besides many factors, you need to work on your relationships. Don’t allow factors to impact your life. To manage your relationship long-term, you need to focus on the strategy that brings results for you and your partner.



Olga Olson
Hello, Love

Writer sharing thoughts on self-improvement and relationships. I’m a passionate life learner who shares personal experience for your growth.