
I Knew I Would Have an Affair. I Didn’t Expect It Would Be With Another Man

A few stolen moments.

Loren A Olson MD
Hello, Love
Published in
13 min readMay 21, 2020


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I’m going to have an affair.

I cannot live like this, feeling this alone in my marriage. Up to that point, this thought was one I hadn’t allowed myself to think. After eighteen years of marriage, I had never been unfaithful to my wife, and I had never thought of ending the marriage.

I’m going to have an affair. The thought had been even further removed from my mind than divorce. It was contrary to everything I professed to believe. I had not yet met the woman with whom I intended to have that affair.

I sat at the kitchen table at our home just outside of Ames, Iowa, desperately alone. It was Saturday evening, and I was home alone with our two daughters. Lynn had gone to Kansas City with a new friend she’d met while taking pre-law classes at Iowa State University. She had told me to expect her to be home on Sunday afternoon.

Before moving to Ames, my wife and I had lived ten years on a small farm on the coast of Maine. We decided to move back to be nearer our families. Although we made the decision supposedly to be close to our families in Nebraska, it was more likely an attempt to save…



Loren A Olson MD
Hello, Love

Gay father; Psychiatrist; Award-winning author FINALLY OUT. Chapter excerpt here: Top writer on Medium. Not medical advice.