A Healthy Bedroom vs. A Dead Bedroom

When you know the difference.

Hello, Love


Photo by Boxed Water Is Better on Unsplash

What’s the difference between a healthy bedroom and a dead one?

  • Dead Bed — Partner never looks at you naked or even glances. You feel invisible.
    Healthy Bed — Partner always takes a look or tries to squeeze you.
  • Dead Bed — Partner never makes you “feel” beautiful.
    Heathly Bed — Partner makes you feel sexy and cherished.
  • Dead Bed — Defensive about his porn use.
    Healthy Bed — Willing to look at his habits and understands the dangers of excessive porn consumption.
  • Dead Bed — Low libido and insecure about talking about their lack of sex drive.
    Healthy Bed — Willing to discuss all things sexual with an open tone.
  • Dead Bed — Selfish lover. Your pleasure is met with indifference.
    Healthy Bed — Giving lover. Wants to see your pleasure and share the experience.
  • Dead Bed — Uses porn as a stand-in when he’s horny. Easier to masturbate.
    Healthy Bed — Initiates sex if he’s horny and chooses sex over masturbation.
  • Dead Bed — Constantly moving the goalposts to avoid sex.
    Healthy Bed — Sets expectations about the frequency with dialogue.
  • Dead Bed — Sex is “work,” and too much effort.
    Healthy Bed — Sex is never “work” and no effort is too much.



Hello, Love

Adultery 101. Dead Bedrooms. Sex out of network. I am terrible and human. So are you. Editor of The Scarlett Letter | P.S. I Hate You | Sexpressions.