A Journey from “I” to “We”

The essential guide for the first year of your marriage.

Hello, Love
3 min readNov 13, 2023


A newly we couple sitting near a lake.
Photo by freestocks on Unsplash

Have you tied the knot just now and started your new chapter of life?

Lived your honeymoon period fully?😉

Now wondering what’s next?

Who will control the steers of the marriage ship in the life’s sea of ebb and flow.

Remember! Happy marriages are not always the piece of cake.

You have to put every effort of yours to make it strong and happy, especially during the first year of your marriage.

I was in the same situation a decade ago. But there was no one to guide me on how to live my married life fully without panicking.

But now, I am here to support you through your amazing journey.

Just pack your bags and have another ride on the cruise of everlasting romance.

By following these simple steps you will enjoy the everlasting romance as me.

Let’s unveil the simple rules of forever happiness.

Know your partner’s strengths:

Focus on the strengths of your partner first, and just ignore the weaknesses. Celebrate strengths of each other. Compliment each other in a habit. As your role had been changed from a boyfriend and girlfriend to a husband and wife. Now, roles are changed, goals are changed and so changed the responsibilities of yours.

Share your passions:

Talk about your passions and give space to each other to pursue them and enjoy them fully. Begin your marriage with an open mind. Show your interest in knowing your partner’s background and his /her passion and try to align your passions with other’s. This is the sole way of growing together in this precious bond of marriage. you two are equal beings. Never submit your identity to your partners. Join your hands together in pursuing your passion and wait for the souls to come and align with it.

Laugh together:

Couples who laugh together, last together.

Dr. John Gottman

The secret of a happy marriage is hidden in laughing at achievements together, laughing at mistakes together, and laughing at silliness together.

Avoid blaming and complaining if you want to grow as a happy couple. Try to be selfless.

I know…..

I know …..

It is very hard in the beginning but trust me it works. So start small. Take small steps to the selflessness and eventually you will reach on a level where statements changes from “I” to “We”.

Don’t compare your partner with anyone:

This is the biggest mistake most newly wed couples make in their first year of marriage. This was the mistake that we made 10 years ago resulting in utmost chaos and fight. we stuck into the trap of comparison. we used to compare each other with other men and women. Thus, always moaning and complaining

you are not giving me time, look! how he attend his wife.

you are not caring me, look! how he takes his wife on date every month.

you are not listening me.

you do not like me now, because you never say I love you now, as he always says to his wife.

I was comparing and complaining and creating frustration among us, until I stopped comparison and start embracing the uniqueness of my husband.

Be respectful in your fights:

It is impossible to not have an argument while living together. We cannot avoid argument but we can avoid humiliation and disrespect during argument. Be respectful, even if you have worst argument ever. never ever yell, humiliate or abuse each other. know your boundaries when you are arguing. try to get separate for a moment, adjust yourself, calm down, and then think about whole situation with an open mind.

Appreciate each other:

Appreciate each other too often. appreciate on little deeds of your partners. Make him/her feel special. Make him/her feel wanted and needed and then wait for the magical serenity in your relationship.


Happy marriage is not a short cut, it takes time and effort. Transforming from “I” to “we” is not an easy shift. Its take time . So, be open enough to give time to each other for adjusting and maturing. And be ready to grow, learn and unlearn things from your past.

Keep growing together!

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