A Letter to my Father

From all the daughters that have been left behind — this ones for you.

Caroline P.
Hello, Love


Photo by brother’s photo from Pexels

I don’t even know where to begin. As I begin to write, I am struck with a cloud of all my thoughts. They are clumped together, I need a filter to sort all the thoughts out.

Let me start with why.

You left two daughters under the age of 2 and a wife who you made a promise to 2 years prior that you’d be with her till you two parted ways in death. So why did this all come crashing to a halt after 2 years? I hate that number…2 because of you.

Did it ever occur to you how your family was doing after you parted ways? Not a single card or letter telling your daughters how you miss them and want to try to be a part of their lives. How you’d wish you could be there to see them grow up. Now we can’t even look at men with daughters without bringing tears to our eyes. Those fathers show their daughters a love that’s unknown-foreign to us.

When we did try to reach out to you after 20 years of being estranged from each other; you told us that we weren’t our father and that my mother was not faithful to you and to leave you alone.

Even though we’re almost clones of you, my sister has your nose and height, I have your face shape and the same habits as you. It’s funny how…



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