A Love Letter to My Middle School Bullies

I was bullied ruthlessly as a kid. Here’s what I want to say to my abusers.

Christopher Kokoski
Hello, Love
Published in
4 min readDec 26, 2020


Girl with mean words pasted on her back for A Love Letter to My Middle School Bullies
Image by Ilayza Macayan on Unsplash

During my 7th and 8th grade middle school years, I was bullied ruthlessly every single day. Here’s my love letter to my abusers.

Dear Classmates,

It's been nearly 30 years since we were in middle school together. When I look back, the pain still stings, not as fresh as when it was raw and original, but it stings all the same.

You know who you are and you know what you did. You know how you treated me every single day. You know that what you did was wrong.

I have no idea if you regret it now or not. I don't even know if you realized how deeply you were damaging me back then. What you did hurt me. I felt alone and rejected and worthless.

Most of all, I hated going to school. The fact that I went every day regardless of your treatment is no small miracle. There were many nights when I cried myself to sleep. I didn't understand why you didn't like me, why you wouldn't accept me.

I know that I was a quiet and awkward kid. But beneath all that quietness and all that awkwardness, I was a good person and I just wanted to be friends.



Christopher Kokoski
Hello, Love

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