A Simple Strategy You Can Use to Tell if Someone Is Selfish

The less time we have, the more honest we are.

Margaret Pan
Hello, Love



Surrounding yourself with people who prioritize nobody else but themselves is draining and exhausting.

Especially if you’re a giver by nature, things can quickly evolve into a toxic dynamic where you give everything to another person and take nothing in return.

The thing about selfish people is that they’re usually experts at hiding their self-centered nature. Luckily, the results of a study focused on social decision-making, revealed a simple strategy you can use to tell if a person is bound to put themselves before you.

If you want to know if a friend, partner, or colleague is secretly selfish, force them to make a split-second decision.

We make more honest decisions when we are under time pressure.

In the study, 102 college students played 200 rounds of a game in which they chose between two ways of splitting up an amount of money between themselves and others. More specifically, they had to decide whether to give up some of their own money to increase the other person’s payoff and reduce the inequality between them.



Margaret Pan
Hello, Love

I write about books, relationships, and personal development. Contact: margaretpannmd@gmail.com Newsletter + more: https://linktr.ee/margpan