A Simple Yet Powerful Way to Tell Who Really Cares About You

It is quite subtle.

Shashwat Agarwal
Hello, Love


Photo by micheile henderson on Unsplash

Someone once said,

“Notice who reaches out to you when you get silent. Those are your people.”

It is on point.

It is easy to maintain the connection when everything is hunky-dory.

But when one of the people goes silent or withdraws without any apparent rhyme or reason, does the other person even care enough to notice and reach out back to you?

That is one of the most telling signs of the strength of a bond. It tests the character of a relationship.

Someone who asks, “How have things been lately with you? and then listens. Really listens, not someone who pretends to listen.

I understand everybody is busy and life gets in the way. It is not possible to maintain the same level of connection always.

But there is a certain dynamic in every relationship. And it is always noticeable when there is a shift in that dynamic. If the relationship matters enough, one of the people would really try to build that connection again.

In the end, it comes down to this.

People make time for what they want to make time for.



Shashwat Agarwal
Hello, Love

Software Developer Turned Writer | Explorer | I share my experiences to make the world a little less lonely.