An Open Letter to the Man I Want

Arianna Jeret writes what she wants the next man in her life to hear, even if she’s scared to say it in person.

The Good Men Project
Hello, Love


Photo credit: iStockphoto

By Arianna Jeret

It may be obvious that dating after you have been married and divorced is just not the same as it was in the years B.C.E. (Before Children & Ex). What is extremely confusing about that difference is how it could be possible to feel so much more confident and so much more insecure at the same time. Not only does it feel more complicated to open your heart to someone new, it can feel equally as hard to be heard. Here is a glimpse into what she wishes you could hear from her inner-most self.

Before we go any further there are a few things I need you to know about me. I’m worried that you won’t want to hear any of it, but I really do need you to.

I get that women seem irrational and slightly off-kilter and you are probably watching me somewhat closely at first to make sure I am not a fruitcake. The truth is, sometimes I am. I was probably a lot more “sane” and rational in my 20’s, but that doesn’t mean I was actually better. I am at my best and I do believe I am only getting better.

I have been to hell and back and, yes, sometimes I act out like an abused puppy…



The Good Men Project
Hello, Love

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