Are You Indulging in These 3 Unhealthy Behaviours To Get Over Your Ex?

And what you can do instead to feel healthier and happier.

Niharikaa Kaur Sodhi
Hello, Love


Photo by Tim Samuel from Pexels

I remember my last break-up where I needed an army of people to help me cope up with it. Luckily, this ex was a nice one and not the one I’d speak badly about. But my coping methods to get over them was like what it would be in a nasty and painful heartbreak. Sadly, it was just as unhealthy.

I don’t know if this is because of instant gratification or our need to constantly have a source of dopamine as attention that most people in my generation hop to a dating app right after a break-up.

I’m a year younger than millennials and the oldest year in Gen-Zs, so I identify with a bit of both.

I see most people around me with similar unhealthy coping mechanisms to a break-up. To add to that, even the memes we see online popularise unhealthy coping mechanisms such as bitching about that person or dying in anxiety craving for an ex so much that these behaviours are normalised. But there’s a better way to go about them. And trust me, it’s a lighter and happier alternative as opposed to the common one where we inflict negativity upon ourselves.

Sleep with other people

