As You Get Older, You Must Avoid These 7 Relationship Pitfalls

Your essential roadmap around the common saboteurs of your genuine connections when you need them the most.

Tim Dahi
Hello, Love


Photo by Darina Belonogova

As we advance in years, we begin to see the importance of relationships becoming even more pronounced. Those of us who have strong relationships as we get older are always better off because those relationships play a vital role in our lives as we age and begin to experience inevitable life changes- changes that usually lead to feelings of isolation and loneliness (retirement, health challenges, loss of loved ones, etc.).

However, if you have meaningful relationships in your life at that time, they will continue to provide you with all the essentials like, companionship, emotional support, a sense of belonging, as well as offer opportunities for your continued growth even in the later years.

To back all that up, the experts say that older adults with strong social networks tend to live longer, healthier lives and are better equipped to cope with the challenges of aging.

“Those of us who have strong relationships as we age are always better off…”

The 7 deadly pitfalls



Tim Dahi
Hello, Love

Writer. Challenger. Live and let live advocate.