Ask Dr. Nerdlove: Why Are Women so Afraid Of Me?

There’s also the fact that the women you notice probably aren’t freaking out about you. Our brains are filters and our beliefs and attitudes directly affect how we interpret events

The Good Men Project
Hello, Love


Photo credit: iStock

Hi Dr. NerdLove.

Long-time reader, first time writing in. My problem is quite minor, and not technically a “dating” issue, but it’s been weighing on me regardless and I’m hoping you’ll have some insight.

The short version is that many women I pass by in public places seem to have very strong negative reactions to me, and I can’t figure out why.

It usually goes like this: I’m walking through town in the daytime to work or to get lunch or meet friends or what have you. A woman comes walking the other way or exits a shop or something. Our eyes meet by chance (inevitable when you’re keeping an eye out for cars and bikes or whatnot), and the woman in question violently jerks her head away, turns her body away from me, and starts walking faster. She’s using her whole body to signal: “Ew, no, go away.”

Here’s the weird part: I never have any intention of interacting with these women. I’m just going about my business when they enter my line of sight. I don’t say anything



The Good Men Project
Hello, Love

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