The Bad Dating and Relationship Advice You Should Avoid

It’s often disguised as the secret formula to the perfect love life.

Sira Mas
Hello, Love


There is a lot of bad advice out there. When it comes to unhealthy dating and relationship tips, they seem to be everywhere, often disguised as “the secret formula to the perfect love life.”

There’s no magic formula when it comes to love, yet too many people buy those “secret recipes” that promise to help seduce anyone. And they’re still out there, wondering why they haven’t found their soulmate yet.

Years ago, I started dating a guy who captured my attention with his sense of humor. He was nice and funny and it was pleasant to talk to him. But on our second date, something made me lose interest in him almost instantaneously.

He started talking about a love advice blog he was following. In particular, the core message of one popular article on the website was this: “If you want to be attractive and make any woman fall for you, you should wait at least three days before calling her, after you get her number. This way, you trigger her insecurities and she starts wondering if you really like her.”

Then, after sharing that wise piece of advice, he said he was using those tips with me, as they had worked pretty well with other girls. I was…



Sira Mas
Hello, Love

Writer, Coach | Thrive Global, Entrepreneur, POF, Ladders