Be Sad But with a Pretty View: Reasons to Travel Despite Your Mental Health Status

I made a choice. I told myself “Yes, my anxiety/depression would not be cured just by traveling but I don’t want to stop living”.

Shristi Bhandari
Hello, Love
6 min readApr 26, 2023


A big window with a gigantic mountain is fun to look at while being sad and doing mundane work.

I would label myself as a fairly traveled person. However, I lost my mojo to travel and went into deep hibernation. Maybe it was my existential crisis or anxiety/depression that made everything so less appealing.

Fast forward I took my chances and traveled to one of the prettiest places in India, Dharamshala. I loved the travel! the place! and the food! and the company. Can you tell by my tone that I REALLY LOVED THAT TRIP lol? It was hands down one of my favorite vacations so far. It was not just the place but something had shifted inside me before, during and after the trip.

This view will be engraved in my memories forever.

Before I even booked the flight the depressive thoughts would creep in. I was ruminating questions like “Why travel I will still be sad?” “It won’t help anything” and a sense of doomsday and hopelessness would emerge. However, at that moment I made a choice. I told myself “Yes, my anxiety/depression would not be cured just by traveling but I don’t want to stop living”. I mentally prepared myself to have low days. Instead of forcing me to be happy and feeling guilty for not feeling happy, I promised to allow myself to feel my feelings. Also, in reality, I was feeding into my imagination. I was making random make-believe scenarios that I didn’t know for sure would happen.

So, let’s break down what helped me on this trip.

1. Not putting pressure on myself

I am a queen of imposing pressure on myself. If I wanted to learn something I would pressure myself to excel in it. While I was in Nursing school I put so much pressure to get all A’s that I started having panic attacks. The same goes for vacation, I would have this ideal image of what is supposed to happen during vacation, a perfect picture, perfect food, Instagram-worthy reels/videos, my outfit, etc. So, this time I dropped it all. I had no expectation, no “ideal image” of what I was supposed to do on the vacation. I just let myself be and actually be present with the moments that life presented to me.

2. Allowance and Acceptance

Just because you travel does not mean your “bad days” are behind you. My lifelong history of anxiety/depression was not going to be cured all of a sudden. So, I allowed all the feelings, good or bad. I had a day where I felt so anxious I was teary. Blame it on the full moon ( please don’t say a full moon doesn’t affect emotions…I will wholeheartedly stand by it till the day I die). I allowed the feeling to exist and walked into the forest, hugging the tree, did it help? maybe a little. By the end of the day, I found myself in better conditions. I had days when I felt depressed despite having a beautiful landscape surrounding me so, I allowed it instead of feeling guilty.

Nature at its best.

3. Pace and ease

It is so tempting to check the bucket list while visiting a new place. Make that amazing video at x location, take an amazing picture at x cafe, and visit the place someone mentioned. Guilty, I used to be that but, this time I allowed myself a grace. Although my anxiety told me I should see all places, and do all the touristy things but when has a fast-paced lifestyle ever served us? With social media, we can easily develop FOMO but we have to be honest with ourselves are we doing certain things because the media influenced us or do we really want to do it? I glanced at the major spots but never made a rigid plan to visit the places.

Life happens when you are not planning: An unexpected trip to this beautiful tea garden.

4. Being in the moment

This phrase is so underrated but, when truly applied it can do wonders. Dharamshala is so beautiful covered with mountains and greenery. I would be present with the beauty and soak it all in. I remember a moment while I was hiking for a waterfall surrounded by big gigantic mountains I thought to myself “ I am so small compared to nature”. It felt like I was part of something larger and my worries were insignificant and at that moment all my worries and stress seemed so insignificant.

5. Choose your company wisely

I have my fair share of travels. Out of all travels my most enjoyable time was with my bestie. It was nothing extravaganza but I remember feeling so happy. But, when I remember my travel to Switzerland, one of the most beautiful countries in the world I don’t feel like I have much to remember. So what was the difference..well my company. Kudos to solo travelers but for me, I think I like a human being along my side for travels. This time I traveled with a friend whom I have known for a while and we shared the same interest. The whole travel was so enjoyable just cuz I had good company along my side.

6. Walked till my leg fell off

I am a fairly “lazy” person. However, this trip forced me to walk. The transportation options were limited and honestly, the place was so beautiful and healing I chose to walk everywhere. Just to get out from my place to the market I would have to walk what felt like 1000 steps. I would easily walk at least 10k steps per day. My legs were dead but boy did it help me overall. We all know the importance of exercise especially for mental health. I personally feel the difference in my strength since I came back home. My mental health felt different and I remember why I should go back to exercising.

If anyone wants to loose weight, gain strength and change their mental health for the better go somewhere in hilly region and walk till your legs fall off.

After coming back I feel so grateful that I chose to leave my “nest” and fly away. This trip somehow jolted my itch for travel again and I look forward to traveling more. I have always used my mental health as an excuse to not do things in life including travel. I used to love traveling but after having a few panic attacks at the airport and in flight, I got scared. However, I am relearning to overcome my fear and find joy in life again. My anxiety/depression will always be there sometime loud sometimes quiet but, I do not want to make it an excuse anymore.

So, whenever you get a chance go out there and travel more. You might still be sick, depressed, or anxious but why not be all that in a pretty place with a pretty view if you can afford it?

If nothing else strolling in a new place with tears in eyes is a real-life main character moment. So, romanticize your life good, bad or ugly we only have a one life after all.



Shristi Bhandari
Hello, Love

Registered Nurse, Metaphysical healer, Mental Health advocate. (learning and sharing from my life story!!)