Before Meeting My Husband, I Fell Madly in Love with Another Person

And that person is me.

Anna Dainese
Hello, Love


Photo by Shaira Dela Pena on Unsplash

Loving yourself may seem like a very selfish thing, but trust me when I tell you that it is the most selfless choice you can make.

Before I met the man who became my husband, I had some relationships with men that turned out to be absolutely nothing. And not because they had no value, they actually had a lot of merits, but because I still didn’t know how to value myself.

I used to jump from one relationship to another without thinking, without reasoning. I let myself be carried away by the situation, especially because I was terrified of the idea of ​​being alone. Because I didn’t know how to do that.

In order not to face myself, I had been content with many things for a long time. I accepted conditions that instead of respecting me totally canceled me. I let my ex boyfriend humiliate me for gaining weight. I let my first boyfriend use me as he pleased by taking me and leaving me when he preferred, creating wounds in me that are still there. And I let it happen for many years, because I didn’t think there was a different way.

Instead there is a different way.

I learned this after the arrival of a child and many disappointments in love. But I learned it. It takes the…



Anna Dainese
Hello, Love

I’ve always had something to say, but also the impression no one cares to listen to me. So I start write. Mostly about my fav things: my children, love, books.