Being a Boy Mom

When your boys fly the coop it hurts like hell.

Noemi Ergas Bitterman
Hello, Love
2 min readJun 28, 2022


Photo by Robert Collins on Unsplash

As a boy mom I never thought the action would stop nor the laundry. Life evolves and boys become men. I miss the noise. I miss our talks in the car, I miss the stomping as they run up and down the stairs, I miss the connection.

I wrote the following (original version in Spanish) when I was hurting. I am better now, we talked, we connected and my love for them is stronger than ever.

Being a mother of boys is accepting that you are the second mother, because the wife’s mother is the first.

Being a mother of boys is wanting to see your grandchildren and only being able to do so with prior notice of day and time. The wife’s mother is part of the daily life of her grandchildren and she enjoys their growth day by day.

Being a mother of boys means spending the holidays with others because the wife is more comfortable in her mother’s house and going to the mother-in-law’s house is too much effort.

Being a mother of boys is resigning yourself to being the last to know about things, because the wife’s mother knows everything beforehand.

Being a mother of boys is accepting that the children you once had in your womb, those you raised with immense love and sacrifice, forget to call or invite their mother to share a coffee and a chat.

Being a mother of boys is knowing that at the end of life you will be alone because the boys are busy with their families and the wives with their mothers.

Ser mamá de varones es aceptar que sos la mamá segunda, porque la mamá de la esposa es la principle.

Ser mamá de varones es querer ver a tus nietos y solo poder hacerlo con previo aviso de día y horario. La mamá de la esposa es parte de la vida cotidiana de sus nietos y goza del crecimiento de ellos día a día.

Ser mamá de varones es pasar las fiestas con otros porque la esposa está más cómoda en la casa de su mamá e ir a la casa de la suegra es demasiado esfuerzo.

Ser mamá de varones es resignarse hacer la última en enterarse de las cosas, porque la mama de la esposa lo sabe todo de antemano.

Ser mamá de varones es aceptar que los hijos que algún día tuviste en tu vientre, los que criaste con inmenso amor y sacrificio se olviden de llamar o invitar a la mamá para compartir un café y un charla.

Ser madre de varones es saber que al fin de la vida estarás sola porque los varones están ocupados con sus familias y las esposas con sus madres.



Noemi Ergas Bitterman
Hello, Love

Much like Pablo Neruda, “I write, I write just to not die”