Being a Women in Love is Difficult

Why the world has higher expectations of women in relationships.

Gigi Love
Hello, Love


It’s hard to be a woman. We know this. As a single person, friends and family and strangers tried to fix me all the time. As if singleness is something to be cured.

And now, as a woman in love, I realize that things are not rosy on this side of the street either.

People have stopped trying to fix me, but they’ve replaced those conversations with new projects. It’s not enough that I’m in love.

Now, they would like me to make “next steps.” Now, they have expectations on what a woman in love should look like.

I know for a fact that my boyfriend is not being asked these questions. I know that he’s not getting pressure from outside sources. I know he’s not being told how to keep me around or keep me interested or any of the other exhausting narratives that people push on me.

So, we should talk. Here are things to avoid saying to a woman in love.

Please stop asking about when we are getting engaged.

I know that people mean well. I also know that our little human brains like to categorize people and relationships into boxes.



Gigi Love
Hello, Love

I write short & spicy romance and need coffee. I have questions (and answers) about sex, love, and pop culture.