Being Cheated On: The Best Thing That Happened to Me

When betrayal becomes your wake-up call.

Katarzyna Portka
Hello, Love


Being cheated on, then left for another woman is not a matter to be proud of.

Well, I am.

If it wasn’t for the brutal change of my reality, I wouldn’t have breathed in a new life perspective. I would have fallen into a state of disrepair.

Deep down, I knew I deserved better. However, I did nothing to exercise any change.

So, the Universe stepped in. It literally shook me by the arms hinting: „You are going the wrong path. I have something better in store for you”.

It was a kind of relationship like a one-night stand dragging for two years.

Superficial, no intimate connection. It revolved around security. The other person served as a safe board, with no prospect of rescue. However, I did not feel heartbroken. I felt alone.

Change how you look at things, and they will serve you.

Abandonment does not represent failure. It does not state your worth. I think many people miss that point.

It is a redirection, a change of course to the path of your soul’s purpose.



Katarzyna Portka
Hello, Love

Hungry for advice? I am here for you. I write about small habits that lead to monumental changes.