Beyond the ‘Right Person’ — Unleashing the Power of Self-Discovery in Love

Remember — love isn’t solely about finding someone to cater to our every need.

Hello, Love


Photo by Sarah Wolfe on Unsplash

Do you believe that finding the “right person” is the key to a successful relationship? For me, I would argue that. True love goes beyond relying on someone else to fulfill our needs; it is about deepening our understanding of ourselves.

A friend once shared an insightful thought with me: “How can I trust my future to my partner if they don’t even know what they want and how they feel about it?” Initially, this statement caught me off guard. How could we entirely trust another person with our future? However, I have come to realize that this notion is flawed.

Love shouldn’t be approached like investing in stocks, where we depend on external information and hope for the best outcome. It is a journey of self-discovery and gaining a profound understanding of our true desires.

When we enter a relationship expecting our partner to meet all our needs, we risk losing our own identity. This mindset might lead us to settle for someone who doesn’t truly fulfill us or make us excessively reliant on them.

Instead, I firmly believe that the purpose of our love experiences is to learn more about…



Hello, Love

Find the one, find true love, and most importantly, find yourself. Learn more: