Boredom Might Be the Start of Your Happily Ever After

How I embraced what I feared.

Denisa Cerna
Hello, Love


Photo by Susanne Pälmer on Pixabay

I’m extremely scared of boredom in a relationship.

This fear might be coming from my past experience when I was slowly hurting, time and again, as my then-boyfriend and I were drifting apart from each other, having nothing to talk about.

I spent most of those car rides complaining about small stupid things because I didn’t want to suffer the heart-breaking silence that meant we were miles apart from each other.

I could reach out and touch his hand. But I couldn’t touch his heart. Not anymore. He was next to me, yet he was away, buried months and months in the past.

The leaves weren’t the only thing that died that autumn. Contrary to trees, he and I kept on to something that was long overdue for another year. We tended to dry leaves and thought we could save them.

But there was nothing to save.

When I complained, he shrugged his shoulders. “Oh well,” he said. “What can you do.”

When I got excited over something, he said, “That’s good,” and smiled. But there was no real connection — no way in which he related to me, no real joy.



Denisa Cerna
Hello, Love

Freelance writer & bookworm writing on self-development, psychology, relationships, and more.