Calling All Quarantined Couples: Your Single Friends NEED You! Here’s How You Can Help.

Jackie Rapetti
Hello, Love
Published in
3 min readApr 8, 2020

Dear Couples of the World,

Your single friends NEED you now more than ever. We see you getting cozy during COVID as we collectively *sigh*…how did y’all do it? Ok, we know – y’all met pre-coronavirus and now you’re quarantined together. Lucky ducks.

BUT — while you’re bickering over laundry and dishes before having splendid make-up sex, we’re over here looking down on our phones on Tinder/Bumble/ALL the dating apps, endlessly swiping left and right and… well, mostly left.

Photo by Kev Costello on Unsplash

Again, we need you. Like, how did you charm their socks off?!, we wonder in awe as we pour ourselves another glass of wine at home in Singlesville.

You have to admit, as happy as you are in that warm, fuzzy relationship of yours, you must be curious about online dating. Your single friends (hi, hello) are always complaining about it — and yet! — there’s a certain draw…

You attend happy hours (virtually, of course) and your single friends mention their Tinder matches and conversations, asking YOU for advice:

What should I say? Why hasn’t Chad asked me to video chat yet? Does Connor look like a player? Ugh, sunglasses in every pic IS weird, right? What does DTF even mean – wait, REALLY? I said yes thinking it meant “delicious tasty food”– don’t give me that look KAREN, he put an eggplant emoji next to it!!

You look on (virtually, of course) in horror, trying to steer our conversations in the right direction. And we love you for that.

We continue to send you screenshots of profiles, and conversations (or lack thereof) with our matches… but our camera rolls are filling up fast with photos of our pets and all the DTF we’re eating (delicious tasty food, guys!).

So, my dear coupled friends… have you heard of Charmed?

Charmed integrates with Tinder so your single friends (oh haiii) can share their matches and conversations directly with you — no screenshots needed! Then, YOU can suggest lines for us to use; in fact, we can *accept* your suggestions and they’ll get sent straight to our matches as if we’d written those witty lines ourselves! Amazing? I KNOW.

Online dating can be super isolating, frustrating, and downright exhausting. Even when we’re not all sheltering in place. But friends make everything more fun – even from afar – and Charmed brings the social aspect back into dating.

Couples, your single friends could use your help. Join the Charmed App waitlist today to get exclusive early access and to help your single ladies and fellas out! Excited to see ya there. 🙌

Singles of the World



Jackie Rapetti
Hello, Love

Native New Yorker. Cookie monster. Wannabe funny gal.